After the phenomenal success of their classic game, developer Atari Inc has released a new amusement park simulation on iOS. Players of RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch are treated to the same build-your-own ride concept with a few new tweaks. Who knew that building your own amusement park could be just as much fun as visiting one? Create your own world of thrilling rides and share it with your loyal customers. You will be in charge of everything, from building each ride from scratch, to managing marketing for more visitors. It’s not going to be all fun and games so make sure you check out our RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch ultimate strategy guide before opening your park gates!
Mar 07, 2019 Tips, tricks, and general discussion of Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch. Created by yellowwindowlight a community for 2 years. Message the moderators. Beginner tips and park layout? (self.RCTTouch) submitted 5 months ago by suavesmight. Been reading lots on Google, this Reddit and watching YouTube videos. Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch Tips, Tricks and Cheats: Earn More Tickets, Coins and Customers With This Guide. Getting enough coins, cards and tickets to build your amusement park can be tough in Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch. Check out our tips for getting more of. Mar 02, 2017 RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch Tips, Cheats & Tricks: The Ultimate Guide 1. Designing Your Rides. One of the most fun things to do in the game is to design your own ride. Park Management. Now that you have made a bunch of fun rides. Making Profit. You can’t call yourself a tycoon if you don’t.
1. Designing Your Rides
Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch Cheats
One of the most fun things to do in the game is to design your own ride. You get to build everything node by node until you have a design that is uniquely yours. While your personal taste should not have much impact on the scores of your rides, there will still be some restrictions. Keep these in mind before you spend precious coins on your rides.
To start off, you will need four cards in order to create a new ride: station, train, tracks, and chain lift. You can get the cards from cards packs which can be acquired in a number of different ways. You can get card packs from levelling up, completing missions, or buying them from the Card Shop. The card packs contain random cards so you may need to open a few before you get the cards you want for your ride.
Once you have the four types of cards that you need, you can begin construction. Place the station on the map first. Make sure you have enough space to build the rest of the ride on. You can place a basic set of tracks so that you have a guide on where to add the extras. Each node can be modified in three ways:
– X and Y axis: Moving the nodes along the X and Y axis will help your increase or decrease your total track length. Longer tracks are generally better as they will earn you more points but the total length is limited by the track card’s level so keep an eye on it.
– Up or Down: Raising or lowering a node will create the slopes on your ride. Changing this does not have any real impact on your ride but it will make everything look cooler. Follow your personal taste when it comes to slopes!
– Twist Left or Right: Twisting the nodes to the left or right will create sharp turns in your tracks. As with the previous feature, this is purely an aesthetical feature and does not really change your ride’s rating. You can go crazy with this and make your riders dizzy.
Take advantage of the freedom the game gives you in bringing your dream rides to life. The only things that you need to keep in mind when building for better points are the length of the tracks and the number of special inserts. More is always better. Keep collecting and upgrading your cards to gain access to better building options.
2. Park Management
Now that you have made a bunch of fun rides, let’s get to work on the business side of things. The park won’t run itself, you know. You need to manage ticket prices, customer satisfaction, and marketing.
The first thing you need to do when you open your park for business is to set prices. As soon as you lay something down, tap on it to bring up the menu then tap on the price tag icon. By default, these ticket prices are set cheap but you will find that you can actually raise it a bit without upsetting your patrons. Always make sure your ticket prices are within the “good value” range to avoid losing customers.
Speaking of losing customers, you should watch out for those who are expressing how they feel about your park. Look for visitors who have thought bubbles above them. Blue icons are fine since this means they had a good experience with your park. Red icons are bad and you need to check out what upset those customers so you can fix it. Red angry faces are really pissed and will most likely leave and never return. You want more blue icons so make sure to address the problems of red icon customers as soon as possible.
Another way of checking for customer satisfaction is by checking the satisfaction bars at the top of the screen. You will need to maintain the Fun, Food, and Hygiene bars to keep your customers happy. Building more rides improves the Fun factor while restaurants address the need for Food. Building bathrooms improve the Hygiene bar but if you have the maximum number of bathrooms, your only choice is to upgrade cards that lower the Nausea rating of your rides. Customers who don’t throw up on themselves generally have better hygiene than those who do.

After building nifty rides, setting “good value” prices for your tickets, and addressing customer feedback, you need to attract additional customers. Once you reach level 9, you will have the option to market your park to get additional customers. You can watch an advertisement for a 5% increase in customers for 3 hours or you can buy a 15% customer increase for 12 hours by spending 25 tickets but it’s best to save tickets if you are a free player.
3. Making Profit
You can’t call yourself a tycoon if you don’t earn profit. It’s time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Unfortunately, reaping rewards also involve a bit of work. Earnings don’t automatically appear in your bank account. You will need to manually collect your earnings by tapping on the coin icons above your buildings and rides.
Logging in often to check on your earnings is important as each structure has a maximum number of coins it can hold. Once it reaches its maximum capacity, it will not be able to earn additional coins. You will know that a structure is full when the coin icon turns into a safe. Collect those right away so you don’t miss out on additional earnings.
Maximize your profit by making good use of decorations. Decorations do not have effects on shops so just huddle your shops together and plan the layout of decorations around your rides. It is a good idea to rearrange your park structures when you reach level 10 so that the rides get the most benefit from your decorations.
Lastly, you need to control your spending. Always remember that a penny saved is a penny earned. In this case, that means choosing wisely when it comes to spending on upgrades. Hold off on upgrading cards that you don’t really use or have minimal impact on your profitability. Coins will be hard to come by during the early stages of the game so unless you want to stare at your screen waiting, you should manage your finances early.
4. Missions
Another aspect of the game that will help give you some direction is to complete missions. Completing these will give you different rewards including precious cards that make the foundation of the game. All the missions are timed so prioritize those that will expire sooner. Once a mission expires, it will disappear and you will no longer be able to get that mission’s rewards.
Missions normally have card-related objectives. You may be asked to upgrade specific cards or place a certain number of cards on the map. If you followed the advice in the previous section and held off on upgrading cards, you will have non-upgraded cards on standby for missions. This will help you complete missions without having to open new card packs in hopes of getting the card you need.
5. Tickets and Achievements
There is another form of currency in game aside from coins. Tickets play an important role in game and are more difficult to acquire if you are a free player. You will earn a limited number of tickets so spend them wisely. Avoid using them to speed up constructions or attracting more customers.
The best use for Tickets in the game is to spend them on Card Packs. Even when spending on Card Packs, you need to choose carefully. If you can hold out for a while without buying new packs, save up until you have 35 Tickets then buy a Binder of Cards. This gives you 38 cards in exchange for your 35 Tickets which is the best possible value for card purchases.

Unlocking Achievements in the game will earn you the most Tickets. There are different Achievements for your park and for your rides. Attaining these may take a while but their payoff in Tickets will be worth it. You don’t need to focus on them too much because you will slowly build towards them as you play the game. Just remember to check on the Achievements once in a while to see which ones are almost done so you can pick them up as you plan on further expanding your parks and rides.
Here is a list of the achievements you can aim for to get more Tickets:
Park Achievements
As you play the game, you will unlock some of these achievements without realizing it. The reason for that is they are based on the natural progress of your park.
– Entrepreneur Value: Upgrading your shops and rides will automatically improve your park’s value. Getting duplicate cards will allow you to upgrade so keep opening card packs!
– Good Spender: As the name implies, you need to spend coins in order to unlock this achievement. The good news is, you have no choice but to spend coins throughout the game.
– Serious Profits: It’s all about the money here. Just like the previous Achievements, you will eventually earn this as you play the game. If you want to grab this sooner, however, you have to be diligent in collecting coins.
– Golden Bathrooms: This one might need a little bit more of conscious decision-making to unlock. While the bathrooms don’t really have to be golden, you will need to have a total of 12 of them placed on the map.
– Gardener: Technically there will be some sort of gardening involved in order to unlock this Achievement. The goal here is to have a decoration value of at 75% or above on at least 34 of your rides. Plant your trophies in strategic locations since they have a wide radius and provide 8 decoration bonus points.
Ride Achievements
After spending so much time and effort in building those rides, node by node, you’d want to be rewarded. That’s where Ride Achievements come in. Unlike Park Achievements, you will need to know what you’re aiming for if you want to unlock these.
You will earn an Achievement each time you hit a certain target in a coaster stat. The stats are Excitement, Intensity, and Nausea. You will also unlock an achievement if the ride you are building reaches a certain length.
Keep these things in mind if while building if you want to aim for Achievements:
– Upgrading your track card will improve your ride’s stats. The other three cards required for building have no impact on stats so focus on upgrading the tracks first.
– Special inserts will fill your track limit faster but they have their own stats. These make up for the track length, especially if you are just aiming for a specific stat Achievement. Include as many special inserts as you can to raise your ride’s stats.
– You will need to build specific rides a certain way if you want to use them to unlock Achievements. Bunny hops improve the final stats of Wooden and Hyper rides. Steel and Inverted rides should have a lot of special inserts and inversion. Accelerator rides should be, of course, fast and short. Finally, Winged and Inverted rides must be built with balanced amounts of drops, speed, height, and turns.
6. Miscellaneous
There are a lot of things to manage when you have your own amusement park. Here are some additional tips to help you get ahead in the game.
– Once you hit level 10, you can expand your park by tapping on the areas just outside the property. You will need a lot of coins in order to expand but doing so will give you more leg room when adding structures. More rides and stores, mean more coins. This investment will eventually pay for itself.
– If you like a certain ride or shop, you can build more of the same one. Check the number on the left side of a structure’s card to know how many of the same structure have already been placed on the map, and how many more you can build. You can increase the maximum number of structures by levelling up the card.

– You can charge more for your park’s entrance fee without upsetting your customers by adding more attractions. Think of your virtual customers the same way you would think of real life customers. They will be willing to pay more if your park is worth more.
– Sometimes the game gets a glitch and coins will stop showing up on top of your structures. If you notice that coins have not been popping up as they should, you may need to give the game a little nudge. Just plop down a path anywhere on your map. This will trigger the game to resync with the servers and the coins will start popping back up again.
That’s it for RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch. With the help of our ultimate strategy guide, you can now build the amusement park of your dreams!
Roller coaster and theme park enthusiasts have some options when it comes to building the parks of their dreams on mobile. RollerCaster Tycoon Classic is a pretty faithful recreation of the first two PC games, complete (for better or worse) with decidedly old school graphics. For a more updated spin, Atari has also released RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch, designed to marry some of the original gameplay with modern systems.
It succeeds for the most part, at least in the sense that you feel like you are building an amusement park and catering to the guests’ desires while watching the bottom line. The graphics got a big kick in the pants, and there’s no question that it is very much “of the moment” in the way that it manages your time and gameplay sessions.
You can be the judge when it comes to the merits of those changes. What we’re here to do is provide some RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch Tips, Cheats and Strategies to help maximize your park-building acumen and make the cryogenically preserved body of Walt Disney blue with envy at your vision (blue instead of green since he’s frozen). Let’s get our tycoon on.
Bigger is Better
Where the original RollerCoaster Tycoon games generally presented you with scenarios that tested your ability to fulfill certain objectives in a specific amount of time, Touch has no such time constraints. Your goal is simply to have the most impressive park possible, zoning regulations be damned, we assume.
That doesn’t mean you can just build willy-nilly. Just like its predecessors left you at the mercy of your research department when it came to what rides or attractions you could construct next, the gods of randomness are present in the form of card packs. Each time you open a pack, you’ll either get a new card, opening up that item for construction, or cards for rides, stores and scenery you already have. Obtain enough duplicates and you can level up that attraction, increasing its usefulness to your park.
BONUS TIP: You can often build several of the same ride or store if desired. Look at the number on the left-hand side of any card and you’ll see how many copies of that structure you currently have in your park and the maximum number allowed — which can be increased at times by leveling up the card.
The park visitors, or Peeps, can also help guide you in the right direction when it comes to what to build next. If you tap on the smiley (hopefully) icon at the top of the main game screen, you’ll get a graph of the Peeps’ average satisfaction that has three bars: Fun, Food and Hygiene. While everything you build affects these scores in some way, a general way to look at them can be expressed pretty simply:
- If your Fun is low, build more rides.
- If your Food is low, build more restaurants.
- If your Hygiene is low, build more bathrooms — and if you’re maxed out on those, you might want to consider leveling up cards specifically to lower their Nausea ratings since that helps keep Hygiene high.
BONUS TIP: While you’re going big, you’re eventually going to run out of space. Starting at level 10, you can purchase park expansions off on the perimeters of your land just by tapping on them and paying the (fairly significant) amount of coins. A new expansion will open up for you every few levels.
Coins are Key
There’s no overstating how important coins are to RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch. Literally everything you want to do requires coins, and you don’t earn them all that quickly in the early stages of the game.
To build a new ride or attraction or lay down a new piece of scenery, you need not only the proper card but also the required number of coins. The same is true when you’re looking to upgrade anything. You’re going to run out of coins and find yourself unable to do anything at times. It’s just the reality of life as a tycoon.
There are some ways you can earn coins faster. Everything in the park, from the front gate to the shops (not bathrooms, though if memory serves you could charge guests to use them in the original RollerCoaster Tycoon games) has an adjustable ticket price for the Peeps. Just tap on an attraction and then tap on the price tag icon and you can use the slider to set the current price. Pay heed to the feedback about whether peeps find it to be too expensive. A good rule of thumb is to set it as high as possible while still falling in the ‘Good Value’ range.
Since this is a free-to-play game, you can also buy coins. Just tap on your coin balance at the top of the screen and you’ll see your options, and as with most F2P titles, it’s probably a smart move to wait for a special offer if you’re going to take the paid plunge.
BONUS TIP: Real life logic applies to what Peeps are willing to pay just to set foot in your theme park masterpiece. As you add more attractions, you’ll find that the Park Entrance price can be adjusted upward without it having a negative effect on guests’ attitudes — and you definitely should whenever possible.
Save Your Tickets
Tickets are the premium currency in RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch, and as such, are pretty valuable. You won’t earn them as often or in the same quantities as coins, and they should be carefully stockpiled as a result.
At launch, tickets can be used right away for two purposes: completing missions instantly and buying more packs of cards. The first use is really only something to consider if you desperately need experience points to level up or coins in a hurry, depending on the mission reward in question. More often, you should be saving your tickets for card packs.
Spending 10 tickets on a Folder of Cards is tempting since you can earn that many tickets quickly by turning in missions or knocking out achievements. It’s just that the Binder of Cards is a better value: 38 cards for 35 tickets. That’s the way to go whenever possible.
One extra way to earn tickets is by tapping on the ‘Offers’ button in the store and checking out what Tapjoy has in store. You’ve probably encountered Tapjoy while playing other mobile games, but just in case, it often asks you to spend money on products or services to get some in-game currency in return, so be forewarned.
BONUS TIP: After you’ve played for a while, you’ll unlock the ability to promote your park, driving in more Peeps using the bullhorn icon in the bottom-right corner. For 25 tickets, you can get a 15 percent attendance boost for 12 hours, which isn’t that bad. However, you can also get a 5 percent boost for three hours simply by watching a video. That seems like the better play in most circumstances.
Design Your Own Thrills
One of the cooler features of RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch, even in a relatively limited form, is the ability to design your own roller coasters. It’s not quite as intuitive as constructing and placing everything else in your park, but it does offer you an impressive amount of control given the overall simplicity of the game.
To build a coaster, you’ll first need one of all four kinds of basic cards: station, train, tracks and chain lift. There are seven types of coasters in all, each with their own additional feature cards, but they all share the four basics.
Construction begins by placing the station and making sure you have plenty of room to lay out the track. You can manage the elevation of different parts of the track so that it goes over existing attractions, but until you get the hang of it, the easiest thing to do is to build near the back of your land or in a freshly opened expansion.
Inside the build menu, you lay out track by simply dragging out your finger from the station or the last node. At each node, you have the following options:
- Slide the track around on the X and Y axes.
- Change the elevation of the track, moving it up or down.
- Tilting the track left or right, as you would to bank the turns.
Rollercoaster Tycoon Touch Download
Any or all of those options can be performed at each node. Then you simply build out to the next one. If applicable, you can also tap the ‘Add Special’ icon to throw in a loop, spiral or other fancy track section, though there might be some prerequisites to doing so. For example, you can’t add the ‘Wooden Helix Down’ special card to the wooden coaster unless your track is already high enough off the ground at that node to accommodate it.
Special elements are great for raising the Intensity and Excitement ratings of a coaster, so don’t hesitate to use them when possible. Also, keep in mind that each basic and special card in a coaster can be leveled up separately, giving you some options on how to boost its performance and desirability to the Peeps.
BONUS TIP: Want to build a longer coaster with more nodes and elements? You’ll want to level up the tracks card, as that will give you a length bonus and allow you to add more.