Rollercoaster Tycoon Volcania

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Oct 08, 2019  Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic Apk is the latest edition of the Roller coaster Tycoon series which is a mixture of Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 and the RCT 2 and different exciting features from the previous two editions are so perfectly placed and managed that this version of the game is as amazing as the previous two versions if not better than all.

Ultimate Rollercoaster >Discussion Forums >Roller Coaster Games >Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests
Posted: 7/27/01 at 12:01:52 PM

Hi all...

I was trying my hand at the Volcania scenario that comes with Loopy Landscapes last night - my first attempt at this scenario. I think that I need to seriously reassess my approach, because I am at the end of year 2, I have TWO of the five coasters completed (one of which has crashed and burned), and I have about 300 park guests wandering around with TONS of cash - yet they are not spending it! I have drained the bank's fundage dry, and I have about $50.00 cash on hand. Not good.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 Download

Like I said earlier...I think that my basic approach to this scenario needs to change...I basically went straight to the coasters....and I don't think I built enough other rides to keep the park bringing in the $$. I am beginning to feel like SF to pry the $$ out of the guests hands. I'll get it figured out.

If things don't start to improve by about May of Year 3, I may just take every one of the guests and drown them in the lake. And restart the scenario from scratch.

Best Regards, Bill M. / AtlantaCoaster

Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests bywild one at 7/27/01 1:22:43 PM

When I did this scenario I had similar problems the first time. The second time through, I finished one of the coasters right off and built a bunch of other rides. After I started making money I was able to finish the other coasters. It was difficult though.


Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests byhostyl1 at 7/27/01 4:58:53 PM

Suprisingly, this was an easy scenerio for me. (Besides the fact that by computer crashed after I has completed the thrid coaster and stupid me hadn't been saving D'OH!)

Anyway, my strategy was this, The first thing I did was put in a shuttle looper and a couple of flats/gentles. This was to make money while making my wild mouse. I of course put my research on max funds, and I set the prices on all the rides to whatever the excitement rating was (and the peeps payed!). One other thing I did was to put a coaster underground near the front of the park. This gave the peeps something to do during the rain. With the shuttle looper, wild mouse (7.5 ext/price), underground Virginia reel, merry go round, turbo drop and space shot, money was coming in pretty quick.

I next moved on to the SLC, then the woodie, then the suspended (the hardest one for me, I had to resort to themeing for the last few tenths) and finally the steelie. All the while I was expanding the park and adding any flat rides/ shops I could. It worked out pretty well for me as I ended up with a ton of cash and no loan (I like to pay down my debts as I go, call me Cedar Fair :)). But as with everything, your mileage may vary.

Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests byghost at 7/28/01 3:32:50 PM

as a future mechanical engineer and rollercoaster luva
i have this to say to hostyl1 or jermy
i know im new but this really pisses me off i say and quote 'I set the prices on all the
> rides to whatever the excitement rating was (and
> the peeps payed!)'.
by god i have ZERO idea why that bugss me but it just does charging people to ride a ride at a theme park this aint the county fair so pllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee tell my you didnt charge them for entrance
to all,
the ghost aka chris

Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests byhostyl1 at 7/28/01 3:45:13 PM

> as a future mechanical engineer and rollercoaster
> luva
> i have this to say to hostyl1 or jermy
> i know im new but this really pisses me off i say
> and quote 'I set the prices on all the
> by god i have ZERO idea why that bugss me but it
> just does charging people to ride a ride at a
> theme park this aint the county fair so
> pllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee
> tell my you didnt charge them for entrance
> to all,
> the ghost aka chris

As a current Aerospace Engineer and coaster fan, I have to say this 'Check Yourself'! If you had ever even played the game, you would know that on this level you cannot charge an entrance fee. Second, the game is about making money and building rides, not about feeling. I think it's time for you to step back from the computer and buy an ice cream cone or something as you are getting worked up over something that really doesnt mean ish.

Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests bywild one at 7/28/01 4:36:10 PM

Hostyl is right there Ghost. You can't charge an entrance fee on the Loopy Landscape scenarios. Don't get him mad though, there's a reason why they call him Hostyl 1.


crap byghost at 7/29/01 3:39:45 PM

i knew i should of played that one
sorry bout that

Re: Volcania Scenario - A different problem! byTimber-Rider at 7/29/01 7:11:34 PM

I made Volcania into a huge park! I had 2,500 guests
tons of rides, and, food booths, and had cleaned up
over $150,000 dollars in park value.

BUTT!!! as soon as I completed the scenerio, and had
built all my coasters, all the park guests started
leaving in mass numbers! I now have a complete park,
with fantastic rides. But not a single guest!

I even tried setting all my admissions and food booths
to free admission, and still not one park guest.

I also had this problem when playing the Vertigo Views
scenerio. I had every coaster that could be built,
up to an X-Flight like coaster. Including three
wooden coasters. (19 coasters total) At least two
of every thrill ride. Plus a huge minature golf course,
and go-cart ride. All free of admission!

Again. Once I got to almost 3,000 guests. Again, they
all left. And, I once again have a park with no guest.

I love the game, but what's up with this?!

If these were real parks, and everything was free.
people would be killing themselves, to get there!

I just don't get it.

I loved your suggesstion about drowning your guests
in the lake! Thumbs up!

Re: Volcania Scenario - A different problem! bywild one at 7/30/01 1:54:58 AM

You need to go to the official RCT website and download the Loopy Landscapes patch. It will fix this problem.


Re: Volcania Scenario - Cheapskate Park Guests byUcoastersI at 8/10/01 9:41:32 PM

I had the same problem! Start The level over and open a-few small/cheap coasters and LOTS of thrill rides.
It worked for me. Next step is to let money build for a mounth or two and pay of you loans. Then build out to the vetacal drop coaster and Finish it first.

Changing :( to :)

Ultimate Rollercoaster >Discussion Forums >Roller Coaster Games >RCT excitement rating!!!Volcania
Posted: 9/13/99 at 2:59:15 AM

Anyone ever gotten a 9 or higher? How the heck did you do it!!


Re: RCT excitement rating!!! byDan Ireland at 9/21/99 5:44:03 PM

: Anyone ever gotten a 9 or higher? How the heck
: did you do it!! Jay

I got a steel coaster with a 9.72 excitement and 9.55 intensity. The line fills up!

It's got 6 inversions on it, lots of tunnels, and track that goes through 3 of the loops.

Steel coasters are the easiest for me to get high ratings. Stand-Ups I can't hardly keep the intensity below 10 so I never have a decent excitement on them.

RCT excitement ratings byDavid at 10/21/99 10:18:00 AM

Just a quick guide I came up with.
Vertical drop coasters can get very high ratings (ever seen a 9.3 excitement) - Build them up to max. height, and drop into the volcano from the Mars Themeing objects (With a holding brake). Instead of then braking or finishing the track use the speed to climb back up to a highish altitude again. Repeat several times (4 usually works), but only use a holding brake after the first if the speed is too high (and hence the -'ive G's. Finally build other rides and intertwine them together - corkscrewing a Inverted coaster around the track. can work really well - Imagine what Oblivion running into the scenery of Nemesis at Alton Towers would look like.
Track lengths should realistically not exceed 8000ft - very long rides tend to have extreme intensity ratings, regardless of G-forces. The real world record is about 7500ft, while most megaloopers i.e. Montu, Alpengeist, Kumba, etc. average at about 4000ft.
To improve your excitement ratings of looping coasters, the right track is critical. Stand-up trains are extremely difficult to build with ratings over 6, while steel corkscrew trains give a bumpy ride (according to the description in the game, and real life experience), hence their intensity is often too high. The best option is usually the steel roller coaster, or the inverted roller coaster. The former does lack in special features, but properly designed with lots of scenery can make them superb. They are often very quick to invent as well if you are trying to beat a scenario. Inverted coasters chew cash like my dog eats steak in construction, but you get all of the special track elements upon inventing the track, unlick steel corkscrew and stand up. Ratings of 6.5 are easy to get, around 5 properly balanced inversions will do it. Extremely high (9.5) ratings can be achived only with great care - the train needs sufficient energy to get around the circuit but if it is all gained in one blast G's will tend to be too high, Again as an example of what to do look at Nemesis - It isn't a massively high track thanks to height restrictions on construction, so the ride rather than gaining all the speed in one blast drops as it goes around the track - the top of the vertical loop is not much higher than the station building. Don't be afraid to use multiple inversions, but never a string of identcal maneuvers - this tends to lower the rating. Also, composite maneuvers - i.e. half loop & half corkscrew tend to be more exciting. Try to evenly space out the maneuvers, and include tame parts of track to give the riders time to be afraid of what's next. Such maneuvers properly managed can also be used as an alternative to banking corners. Building a coaster with more than 10 inversions is extremely difficult to do and keep the intensity down.
Most of all, plunder the real world's coasters and enhance them - I built a dueling copy of Alpengeist and Montu - a very impressive construction. To get better at RCT building copies of rides you like, (hopefully that doesn't mean Carousels) especially big multilooper coasters gives a feeling of how to build your worst nightmare (or best dream).
Last note - to everybody out there that plays RCT and Theme Park - get out there and ride AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. Building coasters is all well and good, but nothing compares to the real thing. That and season tickets to theme parks are nowadays extremely good as they often will get you into more than one park.

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